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Tails of Woe (Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center)

18-52 A cat's seizures get out of control and a veterinarian only gets a letter of concern
Alison Ariano, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center
19-24 A horse has a keratoma and ends up with a fractured neck, laminitis, and almost squishes a veterinarian
Martin Crabo, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center
21-71 A well-known lawyer allegedly offers two doctors $3500 after their horse drops dead in their trailer: Part I
Rachel Liepman, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center
21-72 A well-known lawyer allegedly offers two doctors $3500 after their horse drops dead in their trailer: Part II
Christine Moyer, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center
21-73 A well-known lawyer allegedly offers two doctors $3500 after their horse drops dead in their trailer: Part III
C Renee Andrea, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center
22-34 A relief veterinarian and Midwestern professor gets a call and then gets asked to leave
Sarah Matyjaszek, Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center